May - Jun 2017
4 UX Designers
The arrival of digital age transportation has created opportunities for new players to enter the transportation industry bringing innovation to the daily commute. SKT has been inspired by exciting business opportunities that have sprung up as a result of new digital technologies.

SKT aimed to develop a new transportation system to launch in 2018. They requested multiple tasks to Design Co-innovation Center (DCC) at SAP in order to sketch a solid service strategy and a clear UX concept. With the information and support we provided, the client successfully settled a development budget and commenced the project.
Facilitating expert workshops, Interviewing users, Comparative Research, Key Feature Ideation, Prototyping
SK Telecom (SKT); the largest wireless telecommunication operator in South Korea
Service Overview

How can we move from one location to another without owning a car?

mobility workshop
1st Mobility Workshop
26 participants (21 SKT employees, and 5 DCC facilitators)
Orchestrate the common goals and align the needs of all participants and stakeholders.
2nd Mobility as a service Workshop
15 participants (4 industry experts, 7 SKT employees, and 4 DCC facilitators)
Studied existing mobility service providers in the local market and the government personnel to find business opportunities.
workshop 14workshop 12workshop 13
workshop 3
workshop 2workshop 3

Seamless Smart Mobility

Let’s build a system that can empathize with users in which we provide services tailored to various reasons for their moving.


“Users need a service that is not simply better, but paradigm-shifting, because they prefer the familiar product over the better one.”


“We are willing to actively collaborate if the new system can resolve the traffic issues with the existing infrastructures.”

Extra Features with Telecommunication Data
no 4
Link with the Outside Services
no 2
Multi-modal One-stop Reservation/Payment
no 1
Automated Dynamic Offering System for Better Personalization
The AI-based assistant encodes billions of data points and the Dynamic Offering system suggests a vehicle with the optimal routing plan to a user based on behavioral patterns and preferences.
Allows a user to book or pay the fares in a single action by automatically calculating all the necessary transit routes from his/her current location to the destination.
Recommends carpool with its immense database (Telco data). The telecommunication company can well-categorize their user groups by using Machine Learning and/or Data Science.
Extend the APIs and serve traffic data to various applications with features such as Restaurant Reservation or Travel Planning that often need relevant information for their services.
User Context Data
User profile, Journey pattern, Traffic information (i.e. offer taxis instead of buses or trains when there is an only limited number are available for his/her destination)
Whatever You Would Need
Now, Here, All the Transportation Contents You Need
(i.e. route planning, real-time traffic information, and mobility access)
Created app information architecture and wireframe based on benchmarked apps


Conducted Extensive User Interviews to Examine the Design Hypothesis

01. Studying the new and different points for taxi E-hailing system
02. Testing TTS prototypes and finding the opportunities
03. Understanding the core value of mobility services

User Interview Plans

Two Interviewers per Interviewee at every Twenty-five minutes session Fifteen Interviewers in total (i.e. ages ranging from the twenties to fifties)

User Interview Questions

Q1. Explain your common usage of mobility services (2min)
Q2. Share your experience of using a competitor’s product in details (10min)
Q3. Share your experience of using the public transportation app services (5min)
Q4. Share your experience of using city mapper (5min)


Expanding the Entries for Existing Users of SK Telecom’s Taxi Services

insight 1
Users prefer consistency and familiarity even with its pain points
They show only limited amount of interest for new services while it has more revolutionized features that outperform the existing ones.
insight 2
Users in general find a mobility service as a method to meet people
This can be a point where users find SKT’s product more friendly and consequently establish a strong brand loyalty.
insight 3
Users feel Imbalance of Supply and Demand
It is difficult to be matched with drivers in certain areas of the city. In fact, taxies are often parking in front of a station or an airport where their customers need to pay more bills for long-distances.
Final output
Re-design the main page to be more taxi calling app services to follow existing usage pattern of users
final output